
What is SOA

SOA Basics

What is SOA

Service Oriented Architecture:

Distributed system architecture where all components are designed to be services

eg. Cloud solutions are based on SOA

Key attributes

  • Services over components
  • Interoperability & Cross platform
  • Loose coupling & Distributed
  • Abstraction against complexity

SOA Components

Services: Pieces of software that are autonomous, self-contained and accessible

  • Automic services: well-defined and independent
  • Composite: fusion of two or more automic services
  • Types: frontend, integration, business, public enterprise, infrastructure

ESB: Enterprise bus (backbone of a SOA system)

  • Providing connectivity
  • Data transformation
  • Routing
  • Security

SDR: Service description repository: for service consumer to use services

Service consumer:

  • Internal: Use ESB to send request and receive responses from services
  • External: Use SDR to call the service


  • Single entry point for all clients
  • Translate requests and route them to apropriate service


SOA principles

  • Standard Service Contracts
  • Interoperability
  • Composability
  • Abstraction
  • Discoverability
  • Statelessness

Pros & Cons


  • Reusability
  • Maintainability
  • Scalability & Availability
  • Platform independence


  • Complex service management
  • Increased overhead