
What is Compiler

How compiler works


Dr. Hamer


Here’s a cartoon of the professor who taught me compiler: Dr. Hamer

He’s a character and a great professor with humor and fantastic teaching skills. He has influnced me a lot


In computing, a compiler is a computer program that translates computer code written in one programming language (the source language) into another language (the target language)

Origin: The firist compiler was coded in the late 1950’s for Fortran

A compiler will typically report errors

Compiler phases


Lexical Analysis: The source program is broken up into individual tokens.

Syntax Analysis: Group the tokens into phases of the language.

Semantic Analysis: Check the meaning of our sentences.

Intermediate Code Generator: Create a machine independent representation of the source.

Code Optimization: Attempt to remove redundant and/or unneeded instructions.

Code Generation: Translate the intermediate code into a machine dependent target language.

Compiler performs 2 tasks:

  1. Analysis (is this code written correctly?) - machine independent

  2. Synthesis (convert to target language) - machine dependent

Front end: lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis - Analysis

Both end: intermediate code reprensetation - Synthesis

Back end: code optimization, code generation - Synthesis
